Accommodation Overview
Information on Traveller Accommodation in Waterford City and County
Mincéirí Port Láirge works to support the local Traveller community in their attempts to find safe and secure accommodation. This can be in Traveller specific accommodation such as Group Housing Schemes, on official Halting Sites or in standard housing,
Waterford Council’s Traveller Accommodation policy is set out in the Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019 – 2024. Click here to view.
Accommodation advocacy is one of the most demanding and used services that Mincéirí Port Láirge provides. We work with local Travellers, supporting them to put their best case forward when applying to Waterford Council for accommodation. There are Traveller specific homes in:
- Kilbarry Site, Waterford City
- The Green Road Site, Waterford City
- Billberry Site, Waterford City
- Carrickpherish Group Housing Scheme, Waterford City
- Williamstown Group Housing Scheme, Waterford City
- Shadon Site, Dungarvan
Actions for the redevelopment of these areas and new developments are set out in the Traveller Accommodation Programme which has been agreed by Waterford Councillors. This TAP has a statutory base, and all councils are obliged to deliver their county plan.
Mincéirí Port Láirge also works with Council officials at all levels, to support the implementation of the Traveller Accommodation Programme and is represented on the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee which also includes local Councillors and Council officials.
Waterford Council Booking a New Housing Applicant Interview link
Waterford Council Choice Based Lettings link
Waterford Council Tenant’s Handbook
Waterford Council Homeless Services
Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019-2024
Council Contact Details
Waterford Council main number is 0818 102020
If you need support with any of the above Mincéirí Port Láirge contact details are:
Phone: 051357016