The Yellow Flag Programme

Information on The Yellow Flag Programme

Yellow Flag Programme Overview

The Yellow Flag Programme was founded by the Irish Traveller Movement in 2009 as a practical 8-step guide for primary and post primary schools to become more inclusive of all ethnicities, cultures, and religions, and to challenge racism on a social and institutional level.

Using a whole-school framework, the programme works with all cohorts of a school community – students, teachers and parents – to build tolerance and intercultural competence. By creating an inclusive learning environment, students feel empowered to positively develop a sense of identity, leading to increased well being and a sense of belonging at school; both of which are key factors determining early school leaving. You can learn more about the eight steps of the Yellow Flag Programme here.

  • The 8 Steps of the Yellow Flag Programme

    The Yellow Flag Programme was pioneered by the Irish Traveller Movement as an intercultural innovative solution. Its vision is to create a world where all children learn to celebrate & value difference and cultural diversity. Currently schools across the country are involved and it is impacting very positively on the lives of thousands of children and young people.

    The 8 steps of the yellow flag programmed include:

    • Step 1: Getting Started, Keeping track and promoting the schools of Yellow Flag Work
    • Step 2: Establishing a Diversity Committee
    • Step 3: Intercultural Awareness Training for the whole staff team
    • Step 4: Carrying out an Intercultural Review
    • Step 5: Developing an Action Plan
    • Step 6: Going beyond the School Walls: Engaging with Parents and the wider Community (including building links with local Traveller and other minority groups.
    • Step 7: Curriculum Work
    • Step 8: Diversity Code, Diversity Statement and Policy Review

    The Yellow Flag Programme is a progressive equality and diversity initiative for primary and secondary schools which promotes and supports an environment for interculturalism.

    There has been considerable work put in by staff of Waterford Travellers community development project, to try to build financial support and generate interest among Waterford schools project to get schools on board to participate in the Yellow Flag.

    Waterford Travellers cdp, will continue to secure funding for the Yellow Flag programme from all stake holders through the Traveller Interagency Group in Waterford City at a cost of €3,000 per school.

    Waterford Traveller Community Development Project  Promote Yellow Flag attainment in schools with high numbers of Traveller Children.

    In order to identify ways to building blocks toward diversity & Inclusiveness within structures of schools and have a positive impact on the wider society.

  • Schools that have implemented the Yellow Flag Programme

    Currently working with two Waterford schools:

    • St. Paul’s Community College
    • Blackwater Community School

    Past Waterford schools include:

    • Mercy Secondary School
    • Mount Sion Primary School
    • St. Saviour’s National School
  • What does a School have to do to be awarded its Yellow Flag?

    If you are a school and would like to know more about the Yellow Flag Programme and how to apply for it, please Click Here.

  • Useful Resources for Teachers/Schools

    For Yellow Flag tips on building Traveller culture into the classroom visit the Tackle Bullyinng website at

  • More Information on the Yellow Flag Programme

    To view the Yellow Flag Programme information leaflet, please click here