Our Education & Training Programmes
We have run a number of very successful courses in recent years, thanks to the support of the Waterford & Wexford Education and Training Board. For more information on our Education and Training Programes, please see below.
Mincéirí Port Láirge is very proud to have successfully organised two Local Training Initiatives over the past 4 years with the ongoing support of Waterford & Wexford Education & Training Board. The first course was a 2-Year Level 5 Major Award in Community Development & Leadership and now, very recently completed, is the Level 4 Major & Minor Awards, Pathways to Employment. Participants received excellent results in their modules and some have advanced to further education and employment. Well done all!
We are currently recruiting for a new 2-Year Level 4 Major award Pathways to Employment course starting in September 2022 and which has a Health & Fitness focus this time. For further information contact us 089 2030829 or email us at info@minceiriportlairge.ie. Click on the link below to view details on this course.
Mincéirí Port Láirge has organised with Waterford Area Partnership to run the following short-term courses. These will run from February – April 2022. Contact us at 051357016 or email info@minceiriportlairge.ie if you think you might be interested.
Thanks to the support of the WIT Access Office and Waterford Area Partnership, we have recommenced our pilot project at St. Saviours Primary School. This involves facilitators from the Traveller community employed by Mincéirí Port Láirge, to work with Traveller children with a focus on making school an enjoyable and meaningful experience for the children. The facilitators also work with teachers and are developing Traveller history modules and will provide Traveller specific materials to St. Saviours, who also successfully completed the Yellow Flag Programme in 2019. Mincéirí Port Láirge is very appreciative of the support and training provided by teacher Brian Partridge who has a keen interest in supporting the Traveller community. Work has also commenced with Saint Paul’s Secondary school but as always with this work funding will decide how long we can continue.
“I really enjoyed meeting with other women and improving my reading and writing.”
“The tutors were very helpful; they couldn’t have done more to help me through the course.”
“Every day was different, and we had great chats about things; I was so proud getting my certificate from the Minister.”
“I never thought I could achieve so much, I feel very proud, my family is very proud of me too.”
If you are interested in finding out more, feel free to call us on 051 357016 or email us at info@minceiriportlairge.ie
Mincéirí Port Láirge in partnership with SETU ( South East Technological University) are delighted to be offering a Level 6 module ‘Learning to Learn at Third Level’. If interested please contact us by email at info@minceiriportlairge.ie
Click Here for more information.