Human Rights

Information on Human Rights within the travelling Community

The work of Mincéirí Port Láirge is guided by a human rights-based approach. By this we mean that we respect human rights law and promote the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in our day-to-day work.  This includes our dealings with Travellers, our partners, and the broader community, where we place human rights at the centre of all our practices, policies, and procedures.

A human rights-based approach to our work means we agree and promote the following Human Rights Principles, also known as The Panel Principles.

  • Participation

    Everyone has the right to participate in and have access to information relating to the decision-making processes that affect their lives and well-being. To participate fully in a meaningful way people need supports such as childcare, physical access, access to information, language and other supports to freely participate.

  • Accountability

    Governments and other organisations are obliged to comply with human rights law and are accountable under of number of International, EU and Irish laws.   ‘Individuals, the media, civil society and the international community play important roles in holding governments accountable for their obligation to uphold human rights.’

    The Government is also responsible for monitoring of people’s rights to make sure they are upheld.

  • Non-discrimination and Equality

    All people are equal as human beings and entitled to their dignity and respect. No one, therefore, should suffer discrimination based on gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age disability, race or membership of the Traveller Community.

  • Empowerment

    To exercise their rights people need to understand them. If they are to participate fully and meaningfully in society those most marginalised should be supported, as a priority, to understand and establish their rights under law.

  • Legality

    Human Rights are set out under International, EU and Irish law and must be upheld. When needed a person can use these laws to achieve their human rights.

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